CAD6 News

CAD6 Release 2025.0 is available now!

The most recent improvements and extensions:

New: Direct PDF CreationCAD6industrie und CAD6studio now include the new, completely in-house developed DirectPDF for creating high-resolution PDF files. With layers, hyperlinks, transparencies, RGB/CMYK/CIElab colors, and an accuracy of 0.00000035 mm. PDF/A-1b and PDF/A-2b files can be created.
New: Revised Memory Management –A complete overhaul of memory management has reduced the initial memory requirement per drawing window by up to 400 MiB!
New: Font List – In all dialogs featuring a font selection, you can call the new "Font List" which allows a graphical selection of the font and the search for partial texts in the font's name.
New: Bitmaps – Bitmaps can now also be fitted into rectangles which makes them independent of the specified resolution and automatically adjusts when the bitmap size changes. The alignment can be also determined relative to the insertion point.
New: Compressed Files – Compressed drawing files will be saved in 7-Zip format instead of ZIP format. This makes them about 1/4 smaller and reduces computing time.
New: Panel, Toolbox and Block List – Command buttons can now be moved in all directions. The block list can now hold up to 500 blocks and maintains their arrangement even if the window's height changes.
New: Change History – In the change history, you can see all steps available for Undo and Redo in a list. Undo and Redo now display which command was undone or restored.
New: Context Menu – The Context Menu has been extensively expanded and now also includes commands for trimming, transforming, deleting, text and dimension editing, and more.
New: Improved SVG Export – Now directly integrated into the program and revised. More compact, easier to read by other programs and also available for the clipboard.
New: SVG Import – Open, import, and exchange via the clipboard.
New: View Rotation – The display in drawing windows can now be rotated freely. This means, among other things, that a possible rotation angle can be retained when switching between mappings in the Model Space and on pages.
New: Edit Mapping – The content of a mapping can now be edited directly in Model Space, whereby all objects of the associated pages are displayed but cannot be changed.
New: Parameter Window – The new Parameter Window shows the most important parameters and options at the screen's edge.
New: Pure 64-bit Edition – Starting with this release, only 64-bit versions of CAD6 are available. All outdated 32-bit parts and corresponding limitations have been removed.
New: Now with 150+ Libraries – All available Standard Libraries with more than 20,000 symbols are now included with CAD6industrie and CAD6studio.

For a detailed list, please refer to the change log in the CAD6 Online Manual.

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