
– Free Entry to CAD

Malz++Kassner CAD6starter is the free entry to the CAD6 series and contains basic drawing and lettering functions. It can open, edit, save, and print all drawings created with any unlocked CAD6 version.

Using the CAD6starter, you can already create elaborate technical drawings with the highest accuracy and use all important structural elements such as layers, pens, pages, groups, and blocks. For simple scaled drawing you can work in the Model Space on a scale of 1:1 and then generate different scales using mappings. A drawing can contain multiple pages. Hatchings and dimensions automatically adapt to changes in the drawing.

Use your own plug-ins: By means of the pro­gram­ming interface (API), you can easily create custom plug-ins that open brand new possibilities. Program your own solutions or let us do that for you – just call us! For more information, please refer to Programming (API).

The import and export capabilities are limited (no data exchange via DWG, DXF, or HP-GL/2 format, no DirectPDF, no export of SVG and bitmaps). Optionally, the CAD6starter can also be installed as a read-only viewer that does not allow saving of files to prevent accidental editing.

CAD6starter may be used free of charge and unconditionally for private use, educational purposes, as well as commercial use.

All programs of the CAD6 series are 100% data-compatible.

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