

Output tasks with all settings can be saved as procedures with names and called up again at any time. No matter whether PDF output, print, plot or bitmap export – reproducible with one click, individually or completely.

Procedures offer the ability to store complete sets of display and/or output parameters. This might be the current transmission state of the layers, but also the selection area and parameters for a bitmap export, as well as instructions for creating blocks automatically from a template file. With a single command, you can switch between multiple sets of layers states, export multiple btmaps at once, or re-create a huge number of blocks from their template in virtually no time.
Once a procedure has been defined, it can be recalled again and again – separately or a complete list of procedures. Apart from saving a lot of time with repeating tasks, this serves especially the quality assurance and the reusability. Once you have to re-read a few hundred blocks in ah hurry or had to output numerous sections of a drawing into separate PDF files, you’ll realise how error-prone this is: You forget to hide the correct layers, state a section incorrectly so that to many or too few objects are output, an so on. This will no longer happen with correctly defined procedures. And best of all: Those procedures never forget. Even after years, you can still fulfill your tasks without error!

Procedures can be used to automate the following tasks: Switching between different sets of layer and pen states for different applications within a drawing, export of bitmaps, printout of sections or pages, creation of PDF files using DirectPDF, creation of blocks.

Please be aware that some functions such as Procedures and bitmap export are not part of CAD6starter.

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