Dimension Line > Straight (Annotate Menu)


This command can be used to draw a straight dimension line that is basically a line with two end symbols, e.g. arrowheads or points.


1.Enter start point

The dimension line's start point can be entered using the mouse, by clicking anywhere in the drawing.


2.Enter end point

The dimension line's end point can be entered using the mouse, by clicking anywhere in the drawing.


When choosing the Change Parameters (+ESC) command, the "Dimension Line" dialog appears where this command's parameters can be specified.


Dimension lines are not automatically assigned to the current layer. Instead, the command Layers > Defaults is used to decide whether they should be assigned to the current layer, or another specified layer. The same goes for pens, which can be assigned using the command Pens > Defaults.


CAD6studio Release 2024.2 - Copyright 2024 Malz++Kassner® GmbH