Parameter Window (Screen Elements)


The parameter window will be displayed automatically in the main drawing window once the current commend offers parameters or options.


The number and type of buttons depends on the respective command. Possible buttons are:


The current command offers parameter the can be edited by clicking this button, see Edit Parameters (+ESC)


Finishes the current command and applies the data entered, see Finish Command


Cancels the current command and discards the data entered, see Cancel Command


Revokes the previous point's entry, see Previous Point (ESC)


Switches the extended identification on or off, see Extended Identification on/off


Cancels the current identification, see Cancel Identification


Identifies all objects, see Identify All (F10)


Identifies the previously used set of objects again, see Previous Identification (F11)


Selects all objects currently visible in the drawing window, see Identify Window Contents


Selects all objects in a rectangular area of the drawing, see Identify Area, Rectangle


Selects all objects in a polygonal area of the drawing, see Identify Area, Polygon


Switches the area mode »Jutting Into« on or off, see Area Mode »Jutting Into« (+F6)


Switches the temporary override for lock and idle modes of all pens and layers on or off, see Override Lock and Idle


Switches the selection filter on or off, see Selection Filter (0)


Switches the orthogonal mode on or off, see Orthogonal Mode (F5)


Switches snapping on or off, see Snap Active (F6)


Switches duplicate function on or off, see Duplicate / Multiline (F7)


Switches multiline function on or off, see Duplicate / Multiline (F7)


Switches between horizontal and vertical orientation for some dimensioning types


Switches between smaller and larger arc for some dimensioning types


Switches the hollow preview mode on or off


Calls the snapping guide menu, see Dynamic Snapping Guide


Calls the numeric coordinate entry, see Coordinate Entry (F8)



Context Menu

The parameter window has a context menu from which certain settings relating to it can be changed. Right-click inside the window to open it. The following commands are available:


Small Icons

If this menu entry is checked, small icons (24 × 24 pixels) will be displayed in the button. Otherwise, standard icons (40 × 40 pixels) will be displayed.


Window Position

This submenu can be used to determine the desired position of the parameter window.


CAD6studio Release 2024.1 - Copyright 2024 Malz++Kassner® GmbH