Object Selection (Methods)


Many commands in Malz++Kassner CAD6 require an object selection, where the user selects a group of objects that the current command shall be applied to. The object selection works similar for all commands. Any number of objects can be chosen. This can be done with various methods, which can be used on their own or in combination with one another:


Individual Objects can be identified by simply clicking on their outlines. If several objects lie at the position clicked on, the "Object Choice" dialog appears above the current mouse position, with the help of which the desired object can be picked out.


To select an individual object within a group (if supported by the current command), hold down the ALT key and then click on the outline of the object. If several objects lie at the position clicked on, a small dialog appears above the current mouse position, with the help of which the correct object can be picked out.


To select several objects quickly, hold down the CTRL key and then click on the outline of each object. If several objects lie at the position clicked on, a small dialog appears above the current mouse position, with the help of which the correct object can be picked out. Release the CTRL key to end the selection.


To select several object more comfortably, use the Extended Identification mode by means of the TAB key.


Whole areas can be chosen by holding down the SHIFT key, and specifying either two opposite corners of a rectangle (by not holding SHIFT down for the second point) or multiple points of a polygon (by holding SHIFT hold for all points of the polygon and then releasing SHIFT). This chooses all the objects which lie within the specified area. Alternately, you can use the Extra > Identify > Identify Area, Rectangle and Extra > Identify > Identify Area, Polygon commands.
Whether only the objects wholly within the area, or also those which overlap it should be chosen is determined by the area mode. This is changed with the Shift+F6 Key or the button in the panel, and visualized by different colors.


All the objects in the drawing can be identified by pressing the F10 Key.


If the same group of objects is to be manipulated several times, it can be selected again by pressing the F11 Key.


To select all but the previously selected object, hold down the STRG key and press F10 Key (select all) first, then F11 Key (previous selection).


All the at the moment permanently selected objects can be chosen by pressing the F12 Key.


Specific objects can be search and immediately identified by means of the Find Text and Find Properties functions which both offer a "Select" button.


At Options > Window, you can switch a highlighting on and off, which, when object selection is active, already shows which object would be selected from the current position while the crosshairs are being moved.


If several of these selection methods are to be combined, the CTRL key must be kept held down throughout the entire selection process. If you then release the CTRL key the current command will be carried out using the selected objects.


All choosing operations are self-inverting, i.e. if an object is chosen twice during a choosing process, it counts as "not chosen". A third selection re-chooses it, and so on.


Objects in hidden or locked layers cannot be selected.


If all the objects in the drawing except two are to be chosen, follow these steps:
•        Press and hold down the CTRL key
•        Press the F10 key
•        Click, one after another, on the two objects not to be chosen
•        Release the CTRL key


The object selection is influenced by the selection filter. To activate or deactivate the selection filter please choose the command Selection Filter (0) or click the corresponding button in the Panel. To edit the parameters of the selection filter please choose the command Selection Filter Parameters (+0). You can activate, deactivate, or edit the selection filter even during an object selection by keeping the CTRL key pressed until the object selection is completed.



CAD6studio Release 2024.1 - Copyright 2024 Malz++Kassner® GmbH